Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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Tape 2 of Mel Gibson's Continuing Downward Spiral of Rage Emerges
By Steven Avalos Posted Jul 12th 2010 04:30PM
As you may have heard by now, Mel Gibson's in some serious hot water. Actually, "hot water" is pretty much the understatement of the century. It's more like a steaming vat of nuclear waste, if a vat of nuclear waste could also spew out endlessly vitriolic rants that manage to offend and horrify virtually anyone unlucky enough to be in earshot. After years of making headlines for his homophobic, sexist and anti-Semitic episodes (read our full roundup of Mel Gibson WTF-ery here), a much-buzzed-about audio tape leaked last week, containing sound bite after cringeworthy sound bite of Gibson's verbal assault against ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva (whom he has a child with). And naturally, like any Gibson project, there's a sequel. And like any good sequel, it's about a thousand times more explosive than the first. Our analysis of the newest release, or as we call it, stop two on the Mel Gibson farewell tour, after the jump.
First off, let's talk about that tape! The newly-leaked audio (which you can listen to over at RadarOnline -- WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC, OFFENSIVE, DISGUSTING, ETC.) is hands-down the most disturbing thing we've ever had the displeasure of listening to. A manic, breathless Gibson shouts for eight long minutes, repeatedly threatening to kill Grigorieva via baseball bat and most damningly (as if we could narrow it down to just one moment) admits to hitting her and knocking out two of her teeth in a drunken episode as she clutched onto their young daughter. "You have no f***ing soul!" Mel screams. And strangely enough, he's not referring to himself.Let's be honest, folks -- there is no bouncing back from this. At this point, the only thing that could make us think any less of PEOPLE magazine's 'Sexiest Man Alive' for 1985 would be if he, well, actually there is nothing (until the threequel, of course). That's how destructive these tapes are. Can anyone legitimately picture him headlining a film ever again? Some light romantic comedy with Meg Ryan perhaps? Voicing an animated fairy tale prince? More like retreating to a far-off island (which he presumably owns) and living a life of isolation and hopefully some serious remorse. That's only if he doesn't end up in jail first. Yes, our forecast is grim for old Mel and we're definitely curious to see how this unravels (or explodes as the case may be).

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